
Arrival in Belarus: All in a Day's work

Thank you SO MUCH for praying as we headed to Belarus today. For most of us we just settled into our host families and are getting to know them with the little Russian we know (for most of us, anyways). 

It has been great to see the Belorussian families reach out to us and be so friendly as we arrived to meet them today. For some of them this means being a friendly face to smile at, and for others this means opening up their homes to us as we stay with them for this next week. Nonetheless, we have definitely felt the love and support of the community as we arrived, reading to embark on our journey.

Landscape as we made our way to Belarus via Minsk

Tomorrow we will be heading to the community center in Belarus to practice for our first gig -- yes, that's right -- a GIG! On Sunday the team has been asked to perform a song or two in church for those in attendance. We will also have the privilege of having one of our own, Tim Watson, speak. What a joy and blessing it has been to be embraced by the community so quickly! 

Please continue to pray for our team as we reach out in various ways, especially as the team gears up to perform this Sunday in church! :-) I know that they are excited and nervous all at the same time, so I pray that God is able to use them as they use their God-given talents to reach out to those in Belarus.

Thank you SO MUCH again for all of your help, encouragement, and prayers! You are all such a blessing!

In Him,
The Belarus Team

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