
Belarus Team here. We just wanted to update you and let you know the progress that we've been making over the past couple of weeks. Can you believe that in less than a month we will be there!?!?!?!

As we approach our trip to Belarus we have been able to slowly learn more things about one another as well as learn various pieces of information that will help us as we get there. With our missions trip being less than one month away we have began to feel the pressure of using each and every minute of our time wisely, ultimately aware that God will help guide our time together to accomplish His goal of glorifying Him in all that we do.

Learning how to mime

Various things that we have been able to accomplish so far include:  practicing music together as one unit, learning multiple words/phrases in Russian, being taught a mime skit that shows the love our Lord has for each and every one of us, and finding out different things about the culture and community in Belarus. We have been carefully preparing our hearts as we approach this unique experience that is such a privilege for each and every one of us as we serve our Lord.

Please continue to pray for our team as we use these last couple of weeks as wisely as possible in order to accomplish His goal for our lives while heading to Belarus this next month. Thank you so much for your continual support in our journey and process as we prepare our hearts and minds for what God is about to do with them.

The skit we are learning is called "Hands"

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."
~1 Peter 1:13 ~

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