
Jacob Davis' Journal (31 March 2012)

2nd day in Belarus. Woke up in the morning after a great nights sleep. It snowed today, to my surprise. I had 2 breakfasts, one alone, and one with the son of my host, Timo. Both were composed of cheese, sausage and bread with tea. I then had my first debrief in a community center. Immediately after the debrief, we met with LOGOS middle-school youth group. They are definitely on fire for God. They have rappers, guitarists, bassist, singers, pianist, etc. In short, they are very musically gift. After meeting them and playing some games together, our team practiced music for Sunday service, and for the high-school group, U-see. we then practiced are skit, and finally headed back to our houses, however I and my host family had to wait with Issac, as his ride hadn't come yet. All in all, it was an awesome day, the people are very hospitable, and down-right curious! By the way, did I mention that I'm the only one from the team who is at my host? Thank goodness they speak a little bit of English, cause my Russian is terrible! Here's what God has shown me today : I used to think i was pretty good on patience till I came here. Imagine a 2 hour sermon with whole families listening, including the kids, crammed into a upstairs room? This is what I found myself in as soon 5 hours after arriving in Belarus. These people have grand patience, but it has been given to them because they love God and are earnestly seeking him. They've shown me not to get disheartened when I'm waiting on promises that God has told me to occur, that we must trust in him and rejoice for things he tells us, whether they are promises or truths.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog! Sounds like a good first day in Belarus.

    Greg Davis
